Friday, 30 December 2016

Friend or foe?

Assalamualaikum and hi :)

Berkawan. Kadang-kadang berkawan tu satu benda yang sangat senang tapi boleh jadi sangat susah. I mean, kita join a club for instance, kita akan dapat kawan baru dengan tegur orang sebelah ja. See it's easy? But then, bila kita dah berkawan, kita makin kenal. That is when we need to learn about each other, to learn to draw the line. The line, the limit. Tahap seseorang berbeza mengikut tahap kesabaran, kesopanan dan of course mengikut pengalaman lampau. Because past is what made us who we are now. We are highly affected by our past. So in order to actually have a good relationship, mesti tau past masing masing. Bukan tak move on, bukan nak sentiasa ingat. But just in case, we might hurt somebody else's heart, by something we didn't even mean to say. That's the role of the line, to make appropriate jokes according to someone preference. You know, bagi kita mungkin simple and nothing much, tapi mungkin tak bagi dia. That's how challenging a relationship is, no matter if its friendship or more. It's the same. The thing is, nak draw the line is hella hard. Yelah, nak open up to someone need trust and courage. And without it, we wouldn't know someone enough to actually draw the lines.

Beware, wrong line can lead to permusuhan. Friend to foe. In a blink of an eye.

But then, the effort is what really matter. Cause what's the point to even try to make it work if it's one sided? Kalau ada masalah, bincang elok elok. Jangan lawan api dgn api, nanti hangus. Ego letak tepi, kalau betul sayang relationship tu la kan. Tak sayang takpa, takyah kesah. Tinggal cari baru. *serious face

I am trully sorry if I ever make jokes, write or talk about sensitive things. Trust me, I never meant to (well most of the time) (sometimes my inner devil shine hehehe jk) No no seriously, forgive me. Let's try our best to award ourselves with That One Person Who Everyone Likes award shall we? :)

Tips of the day : Nothing much for this post. Remember, communication is the key ;)

The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Klik Dengan Bijak - My Story

Assalamualaikum and holla!

Yes, yes I know that I’ve promised to write during Eid ul Fitr and I should write it ages ago (6 months ago, to be precise) but I just don’t have the mood to do so. I should be writing about my experience as a college student as it’s already the end of the semester and next week is going to be my study week and all; but that isn’t what triggered me to write today. You know, its all over twitter about a girl that had openly assault (well I exaggerate, humiliate would fit better in this situation) another girl with a bunch of other Mean Girls wannabe backing her up, by picking about body size. Well, we all know cyber bullying - some even experienced it or eventually going though it right now (which explained how you found my blog) but how many people actually know what cyber-bullying actually capable of to ruin somebody’s life? So I’m going to share my story today. Just so you know, I AM NOT writing this to seek for sympathy, but I’m trying to open some closed minds and deepen some shallow hearts; just my little effort to make the world a better place for all.

It all started when I moved into a new school, I was in standard 3. I’m not happy with it of course, to leave my best friends and to actually make new friends. Duh admit it, nobody likes to get out of their comfort zone right? And as a 9 year old kid I knew nothing, I actually just follow the lead of my parents. Long story short, everyone was nice. Make jokes, ask if I want to eat together and save a place for me if I’m late, everything went smoothly. Well at least I thought so. But then when I was in standard 5, someone actually tell me about the existence of CLUB ANTI ALYA. Yes guys, I have a club named after me hahaha. Fake people, fake people everywhere. I won’t tell the reason why the club exist, just because its childish – well we were 9 after all. But trust me, to be mentally bullied at a very young age; the damage? Permanent.

So I started to feel depressed. I ate a lot. I overthink about everything. Insecure. I lose trust in people. My roommate at school is dissing me because I advised her until I managed to stay at the hostel just for 6 months. Not to mention my ex boyfriend cheated on me. Just nice, putting vinegar on my wound. Don’t misunderstand me, I forgive them all. But to forget, I don’t think I can ever do that. Yezza, in a blink of an eye, I have trust issues. Until now, I can’t leave my friends behind after a conversation without regretting what I’ve said and picturing them talking bad about me behind my back. It’s awful you know, to not being able to trust your own friends. And I felt sick knowing there’s not even a piece of huznudzon (thinking good about others) placed on my mind. Andddddd, to top it all, I gained weight. Plenty of ‘em. And that my friend, gonna make everything worse that I thought it could ever be.

So now I’m fat. Even though my friends told me “mana ada gemuk pun Alya” “alaaa macam ni la comel” it doesn’t help. Even my family called me fat and bulat. Well, you know family never lie. I acted strong, I pretended to laugh it off in front of them but Allah knows how much it hurts inside. And all those pretty people on social media – enough to make me feel guilty every time I want to eat even when I’m hungry. And I watch this movie, its about awareness for eating disorder. Instead of actually being aware, I’ve honestly had a thought to stop eating; convincing myself that the girl in that movie is already thin but I’m REALLY REALLY FAT so it wont hurt me. Thank God, alhamdulillah I have good friends around me that is actually aware of what I’ve tried to do. Who know what would happen if they don’t.. nauzubillahiminzalik.

So now I believed I’ve been better. Im still trying to think and care less about what people say because you know what Taylor Swift sang in Shake It Off, haters gonna hate hate hate! I’m still emotionally unstable (I can suddenly cry, mad or annoyed at little things) but I’m learning to control it. May Allah ease!

Tips of the day : Watch what you say or post about sensitive issues. Some might find it hilarious but some might find it offensive. Always try to see the world in other’s perspective, so you can act wisely. Last but not least, teasing others about sensitive issues is DEFINITELY NOT FUNNY SO STOP IT. SAY NO TO CYBER BULLYING. Remember, life’s a wheel. You can’t always be at the top. At some point of life you’ll be at the bottom. Be kind 🌼

The movie

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Pasca SPM : The End. (Fin)

Assalamualaikum. Ramadhan kareem. Alhamdulillah we all met with this bless month again this year. All praise to Allah, The Creator of the whole universe. Happy fasting!

Okay, kenapa tajuk dia The End? Well this is the end of the Pasca SPM series, cause in sha Allah in two days, I’ll be a collage student wohoo, may Allah ease! I’ve received a few offer from private universities such as MSU, Manipal and UTP, but I rejected all of them because I’m not rich and also not smart enough to get myself a full scholarship. Well I got a full scholarship for MSU in medical field, but I’m too scared I will screw up and ended paying everything back which is so NOT a little amount of money. I got Diploma Sains Uitm Jengka as well, but I rejected it as well. I think I really feel good about my decision to enter matriculation. I take it as a sign.

I’m going to KMPP! Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang, I’m coming for ya! Okay, don’t be fooled by that, I’m just a lil bit exited. The biggest feeling I feel right now is NERVOUSNESS. I bought almost everthing in pretty pink, senang roommate nak tau warna favourite untuk bagi hadiah birthday nanti. Al maklumlah birthday masa raya, mesti tak dapat hadiah sebab baru kenal sebulan hahaha. Most of the things dah dibeli, the final preparation would be done tomorrow. Harap kedai bukak sebab Kedah ambik first Ramadhan as a public holiday. Please bukak I’ll spend my parents money there hahahahaha. Bersalah tahu nak beli barang banyak ni. Rasa menyusahkan ja hidup. I love my parents for raising me up as gemuk and fancy dressed (okay menyampah dengan diri sendiri sebab perasan) as I am now. Maknanya tak pernah tak cukup makan pakai. Lebih makan adalah hahaha.

In sha Allah, the next post akan jadi post bergambar, takdalah rasa macam baca novel sangat kan hehehe. Dah nak mula the next phase of life ni, doakan Alya Athirah binti Ayob ni rajin study, ingat Allah selalu dalam hidup dan tak terlebih emo. Takleh kata tak emo langsung sebab nanti tak jadi orang. Okay aminkan cepat. Bulan puasa ni doa makbul hehehe. Ni first time nak puasa away from family, risau homesick melampau lampau hahaha. Orientasi bulan puasa, tabah lah. Dapat pulak blok paling jauh, redha berganda ganda. Nilah yang orang panggil dugaan Ramadhan ya hahaha. Kawan pulak takdak sorang pun masuk KMPP. Okay Alya, mood peramah : ON. Time to find new friends from all over Malaysia! You’re getting your eyes open wider than ever before, so beware. Jangan culture shock. Luckily KMPP is very religion based in everything. Chances are bila dah bergelar alumni dah jadi orang yang lebih baik, in sha Allah. Syukur!

Okay, nanti snap gambar banyak banyak for my soon to be first ever entry as a collage student dan bukan lagi penganggur hahaha. Banyak kawan kawan yang dah masuk belajar, and they are all still alive and doing well so no need to feel scared *patt myself on the head*. As you can (or might) see this post is mostly about trying to keep myself calm. I’m so not ready to not climb onto my bed again after subuh and living with roommates. I hope I would still have my me time, a time for me and myself only. Okay I’ll stop here to make sure esok perut terisi sebab tak terlepas sahur huhuhu. Again, happy fasting for all muslims all over the world!

Tips of the day : The world is round and it spins around. Once you’re at the top, the other moment you’ll be at the bottom. All you have to do is do good to every single creature on earth. No matter what their religion, race, ethnic, skin tone or language, whatever it is, it’s surely not a barrier for you to do good. Believe, that good comes to you when you do good, like a magnet. Put your faith in God, He will help you and He will and always be there for you. Remember to fill your soul more that your tummy ;)

The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Pasca SPM : Berlesen

Assalamualaikum and holla!

Okay, It's always awkward for me as I don't really know how to address myself, that's the reason why I keep on talking in English hahaha. But then I think it's better for me to just address myself as Alya. Alya dah dapat lesen P for both B2 and D, and I'm so grateful! Rasa lega sangat sebab dah lepas dah 'azab' nak ambik lesen tu. Sejak azali Alya memang tak suka buat benda yang akan dinilai oleh orang lain. It makes me nevous. That's why I don't like competition. To wait for the result is a kind of torture for me. Kalau exam okay lagi sebab tak nampak direct pemeriksa tu, Tapi exam besar macam SPM tu penat jugaklah tunggu result hahaha. Awak tak rasa macam tu? Ada saya tanya? Hahaha just kidding, hati masing-masing ye dok? Okay why my writing style changes? Weird.

Okay, sebab dah dapat lesen, now I'm back at Dengkil in my own home sweet home hehehe. Boleh catch up balik marathon tengok Runningman, pastu selang seli dengan few movies yang serious sikit sebab sakit gusi gelak banyak sangat hahaha. Sepanjang cuti ni, Alya dengar banyak sangat orang buat different activities yang berfaedah such as ambik English short course, ada yang interview sana sini and yang paling banyak kerja, cari duit untuk kepuasan sendiri. And what did I do? I asked myself that question plenty of times because I can't seem to find the answer. The only thing yang berfaedah yang Alya buat sepanjang cuti ni is just ambik lesen. AND THAT'S IT. Pity me.

Sebab dah tak tau nak spend cuti macam mana, I decided to start blogging again. BUT seriously, without no laptop, and just using my tiny tiny little phone, my eyes hurts and it's feels like it's never ending tau tak. That's why post jadi sikit padahal banyak benda nak cerita. Benda mengarut jalah sebenarnya tapi ntah rasa nak cerita. Mungkin sebab tak berfaedah tu yang tak diberi keizinan untuk menulis hahaha. Oh ya, Alya cuba jugak belajar Bahasa Korea using an app called Eggbun, Seriously Koreans never failed to do something creative. That apps is daebak and domu domu gwiyowo! (Mudah terpengaruh) But seriously it's been years since I start thinking about learning a third language. Takat tau cakap pun okay dah, eventhou English dengan Malay pun tak expert lagi. I envy people yang boleh cakap banyak bahasa, cause I'm very curious of what people are saying. (Busybody sebenarnya hahaha). Tapi apps tu bertahan 2 hari. Sangat hot hot chicken poop.

Okay, sebelum ni kat Kedah I really envy my friends yang boleh drive here and there, with permisson and they do drive gracefully like an expert (which I don't). You see I do tend to envy people around me. Hence my whatsapp status is 'sedang belajar bersyukur' cause indeed I am trying and it's hard trust me. Okay back to the topic. I went out with my friends to lots of places, they fetch me from my kampung. Ada yang bawak pi Aman Central, ada yang bawak pi main badminton and tengok wayang, ada yang bawak pi swimming and ada yang even plan picnic kat Tasik Darulaman. Impressive! I should be thankful for these people around me. If you're reading this, acknowledge that I'm so thankful for everything. Thank you for being a good friend eventhough I'm not doing the same to you.

So petang tadi, I gather up my courage to drive my family's little orange Kancil, alone to the mart nearby. I was freaking out but then I felt better just because nothing happened like I imagined hahaha. Siap singgah merata lagi cari barang tak jumpa. Lepas tu pi jalan dekat taman sebelah, trying to find my friend's house. Tiba-tiba nampak dia jalan with my another friend. Apa lagi, fetch depa. Depa request bawak jalan, dalam hati fikir "aku dahlah tak expert" hahahaha. So last sekali bawaklah pi KFC. Sembang-sembang, kami pun decide nak balik. Masa mengundur tu, kereta asyik mati ja. My two friends tu memang takda lesen, so they freak out! But unexpectedly I'm super calm which is rare, like very very rare hahaha. Nasib baik driver tu pun okay tak hon hon ka apa. Pelik tau kenapa asyik mati enjin ja ni. Sekali sedar, Ya Allah Alya, HANDBRAKE TAK TURUN. *facepalm*

Sabtu ni my former school, SMK Dengkil akan buat Hari Kantin which I would say besar- besaran jugaklah, compared to the previous years. I'm planning to go but I'm scared to drive as kat depan simpang nak ke jalan besar tu there's a lil bukit, so i'm very risau that my car would undur. Kay cakap macam apa gi campur English Malay, harap mengerti. Masih plan untuk pergi. Doakan saya jadi berani hahaha.

Tips of the day : This is not my quote, I read this on Instagram (, "Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear." Kita kena sedar, selagi kita takut takut, kita akan tetap dalam takuk lama. So, make the first step and never turn back. Bergeraklah kehadapan, even if at certain point you have to crawl, the struggle is worth it. This kind of experience is what we need in life. Our different kind of treasure. Banyak fikir pun satu jenis penyakit. Ber'kalau' banyak sangat. What if this, what if that. Just like what Nike told us in their campaign, JUST DO IT.

Nota kaki : I'm trying to edit this blog layout and everything, but I guess I left it too long that I've lost my touch (cakap macam dulu hebat sangat edit blog). If you have any suggestion(s), leave your comment below. I'll appreciate it :)

The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Assalamualaikum and hi!

Okay for those who didn't know, saya tak ambil lesen dekat Selangor ya. Gagah pi ambik dekat Kedah jugak, simply because jalan dia lagi senang and kat sana ramai kawan. Buktinya, tak kira lah pi waktu bila pun mesti nampak orang yang kenal, persoalannya rapat dengan tak rapat ja hahaha. So the place is called Pusat Latihan Memandu KP, Malau, Jitra. Sebab haritu postponed KPP02 motor sebab Educamp UTP (refer previous post) jadi geng yang ambik sekali haritu semua dah lepas. Okay sedih sikit. But no worries dah cakap tadi kan sini memang ramai orang kenal so chill.

KPP02 kereta jumpa dengan Atiqah Basyirah, my penpal (or should I say chatpal? ). Senang cakap kawan internet lah hahaha. Haritu jumpak waktu KPP01, ni jumpak lagi. Katanya jodoh kuat, hopefully bukan jodoh that leads to marriage hahaha just kidding! So bila dah scan IC, scan thumbprint semua, kita akan dapat sorang cikgu yang assigned for us for the day. Well, dapat Cikgu Mazdi, one of the cikgu yang ajar masa KPP01. He's famous for being quite strict and tends to ask plenty of questions. Goosebumps!

So bila dah selesai belajar ramai ramai pasal RPK (Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan) dan RSM (Rutin Sebelum Memandu), it's time for private lesson. Honestly, I'm scared of him! The only thing I feel good about him is that he's known for being alim, pretty sure he won't touch me for no reason. What? I'm just being cautious, it's just us in the car you know. But dia okay ja, rasa macam dengan ayah. Seriously.

Selesai sudah KPP02 kereta motor. Latihan macam biasa untuk KPP03. QTI for kereta went well for me. Cuma waktu test JPJ dekat bukit kereta 'mengaum' sikit ngehehe. Pakcik JPJ pun tanya, "Marah ke?" hahaha. Motor pulak kali kedua baru lepas JPJ. My personal opinion sebagai orang yang memang zero knowledge masa pi pusat memandu tu, motor lagi senang belajar bawak dari kereta tapi dari segi ujian, kereta lagi senang. Motor dengan titinya dgn slalom lagi. But alhamdulillah lepas kali kedua, kalau kena repeat kali ketiga memang plan taknak ambik dah sebenarnya hahaha. So sekarang dah lepas dua dua weehuu!

Okay back to the topic, result SPM 2015 dah keluar on 3rd March 2016. Yeap, exactly on birthday abah and 2 days after birthday mama. Just great la kan penambahan pressure bertubi tubi hahaha. So yeah, result dah dapat. My result? Not so good and not that bad either. Probably just fine, but it’s not fine for me. Well, sebenarnya diri sendiri tau yang diri tu tak mampu nak dapat straight A, tapi people around me goes like “Alya mesti straight A punyalah, confirm!” “Alya nak risau apa mesti flying colours punyalah” actually makes me feel so confident about it, unintentionally. Not good (baca dengan nada sketch sicky vicky on Sonny With A Chance. Tak tau? Google!).

Okaylah, actually mula-mula memang taknak share result dengan orang sebab down sangat sangat. But let me share my story masa dapat result tu. As you guys know from my previous post, I’m staying in Kedah to complete my licence procedure. So, a day before I took a bus home. Turun Park and Ride Putrajaya Central, my parents pick me up. Nervous tu takyah cakaplah, sampai Dengkil kaki dah menggeletar, I can’t even stand straight hahahaha

The D-day. Malam tu sangat-sangat nervous so I planned to stay up all night tapi akhirnya tertidur jugak dalam pukul 4 pagi macamtu hahaha. Malam tu memang nervous, group Whatsapp kelas memang hingar bingar. Me, as a person yang tak tidur (Well at least MERANCANG untuk tak tidur) change the group name into ‘7 hours to go’ ‘6 hours to go’ and so on. Memang kena marah lah sebab buat orang lain nervous sekali, well I remember you guys saying ‘susah senang bersama’ meh hahahaha

Esok tu bangun, I get ready one hour earlier sampai kena perli dengan parents. Katanya semangat sangat hahaha. Memang tak breakfast, tak lalu. Well Alya Ayob ni memang selera makan hilang kalau nak kena tempuh saat-saat mendebarkan dan meluluhkan hati jantung buah pinggang yang macam ni hehe. My oldest sister kak ngah asked for my ic and index number. Nak check result pakai sms letew! Tapi akhirnya bagi jugak, malas bising bising. Dia akan tau jugak eventually hahahaha. Masa tengah bersiap tu, terlanggar bekas lilin wangi dalam bilik, habis pecah. Terus rasa macam dalam scene cerita drama Melayu petang petang hahaha.

Sempat lepak tengok pengumuman rasmi kat tv. Keputusan menurun, tapi straight A ada 9k lebih. Cikgu ingatkan kena pergi sekolah pukul 10, so pergilah saya pukul 10. Anak murid kesayangan cikgu tak pernah menghampakan hehehe. Tiba tiba, abah dengan mama bersiap. Oh no! Inilah padahnya lesen tak sempat dapat sebelum result SPM. Tak dapat ambik result sendiri sorang sorang macam kak cik. Maka berhuhu lah saya menahan debaran. Alya ni orangnya memang tak suka nangis depan family. Malu nangis depan family sebab jumpa tiap tiap hari. I’m weird like that hahaha.

Dari awal lagi dah cakap kat abah mama yang anak dia ni nak ambik result sendiri. So akhirnya my parents mengalah, depa pi cuci kereta hahahahaha. Kerelaan hati okay bukan paksaan, tahniah kerana memahami perasaan anakmu ini hohoho I love you! Dah masuk dalam dewan tu biasalah, memang tak senang duduk sampai tak terduduk. Haa paham ke idok? Satu lagi, Alya ni nervous tak boleh duduk diam. Kejap kekiri, kejap kekanan hahaha. Dalam dewan ada a few booth IPTS set up. Ada few yang datang terangkan pasal scholarship and so on. Memang takdak niat nak sambung IPTS (Biasalah, bukan keluarga poket gemuk duit berkepuk kepuk) so I don’t pay much attention. I actually dapat tawaran MSU (pakai result trial) and i get to choose nak belajar apa apa saja yang ditawarkan including medic, the one yang I really really want, tapi akhirnya ditolak simply because it’s an IPTS.

Ok back to the story. Kami jumpa jugak our counselor yang so cute and very pale skinned and dia cerita important information yang kami patut tau especially pasal STPM. Tapi waktu tu saya tak pay attention sangat, what can I do kalau orang-orang yang datang bagi borang tu suruh isi sekarang jugak. Tak berapa paham erti kesabaran agaknya hehe just kidding. Tak perasan kot counsellor tengah bercakap. Then, an indian guy get up on stage (I think he’s a teacher) and explain pasal Tingkatan 6. The only point yang aku boleh tangkap cuma kami pelajar SMK Dengkil ni most probably akan ditempatkan di Cyberjaya sebab paling dekat. Sekolah kami takda tingkatan 6, ada peralihan je. Fun fact: I don’t know apa itu kelas peralihan sampai pindah sini. For those yang blur blur jugak macam I, kelas peralihan ni kelas untuk pelajar yang gagal Bahasa Melayu (and some school consider English as well) dalam UPSR. Penghuni kelas ni mostly chinese and indians as Malay is not their first language kan. Selama ni nampak dalam buku koku ja kelas peralihan. Nampak tak jauh perjalanan luas permandangan hahahahahaha

Cikgu dah masuk. Ada some yang congratulate me. I went on like ‘result elok sangat ke elok biasa biasa lah agaknya?”hehehe. Result diumumkan. Dia umumkan dari 5A. Blah blah blah, memang nervous. Dalam otak fikir “Ada ke nama aku ni?” I was expecting my name to be at least 9A’s or above. But no, impian ku berkecai, musnah jua harapan. Nama Alya Athirah Ayob diumum antara pemegang keputusan 8A. Down. Langkah longlai aku naik pentas. Pengetua bisik, “Ada jugak melayu” and dia senyum manis sangat kat aku tapi aku rasa aku balas sangat tak ikhlas. Hati sakit. Rupanya I'm on the top 5, dan yang atas atas is 3 indians (straight As) and a chinese girl (9As 1B). Kira melayu paling tinggi lah ni. Hanya sekolah biasa di pinggir bandar so don't expect top 5 straight As semua ya.

Kami diminta stay atas pentas untuk terus bergambar selepas selesai majlis penyerahan slip. Aku intai slip aku sendiri. Mengharapkan 2B, rupanya 1B 1C. Kecewa lagi. Takpalah, I thought addmath yang C. I’m fine with that sebab memang rasa tak boleh buat haritu. I was fine until at one fine moment I realised... C tu chemistry. Gelap. Hingar bingar dalam dewan tu tenggelam dalam lamunan aku. Ni bukan nak puitis, I am really serious. Maka terpecahlah benteng. Nangislah aku diatas pentas bersaksikan seluruh warga dewan. Ramai ingat I nangis happy, but actually sedih yang tak terbendung. Yang kau target A kau dapat C. One of your favourite subject pulak tu. Hati pecah kali keempat.

My SPM result is 1A+, 5As, 2A- 1B and 1C+. Balik tu orang ajak keluar pun taknak dah. Pergi kfc makan terus balik. Nak sembam muka dekat bantal punya pasal. Nak nangis smpai tertidur. Sebab result tu aku nangis 3 hari berturut-turut. Aku apply UPU first sampai fourth option medic ya, of course kena tukar. Mood memang kelaut. Mostly bahagian science mesti nak at least B for chemistry. Memang susah sangat nak redha, susah sangat sangat. Banyak hari aku ambik masa for my own self. Dalam otak aku ada macam macam, terfikir mana hala tuju aku lepas ni. My only plan was medic and it is ruined, completely destroyed into ashes. Aku rasa sangat tak layak nak jadi doktor, marah diri sendiri sebab berangan terlalu tinggi. Berminggu minggu aku fikir, sampai I came across a post from a beautiful celebrity-blogger-doctor, Dr. Fatin Liyana yang inspire me so much I gained back my faith (click: ). Lagu The Climb-Miley Cryrus bermain dalam otak. Terfikir mahu jadi inspirasi buat adik adik yang bakal melalui benda ni just like Dr. Fatin. I really want to inspire people the way great people inspire me. My plan now is matric but we’ll se how it goes, again. Mungkin bukan rezeki aku. Abah suruh semak semula but I just don’t feel like it. Takut kecewa buat kali kelima.

P.s.: Untuk UTP haritu, alhamdulillah dapat tawaran tapi I rejected it because of my SPM result. I can’t afford any scholarship. I’m not into engineering anyway, I don’t want to end up with things I didn’t have interest with for the rest of my life. So it’s a big NO.

Tips of the day: Don’t give up just because you don’t get what you expected. Susah manapun kau kena cari sumber untuk gain back your faith, baru kau boleh belajar redha. Jangan lupa doa. Mungkin Allah bengkokkan sikit jalan kau untuk capai apa yang kau nak supaya kau cari Dia lebih. Ujian yang Dia bagi tak lain tak bukan hanya kerana Dia rindu pada tangisan dan rintihan kau, rindu untuk kau berserah segalanya padaNya (cakap depan cermin). May Allah bless us all.

The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Pasca SPM : Educamp 2016

Assalamualaikum and holla !

Okay, since actually sebelum pi Educamp ni, I googled it, so I decided to share mine so that it might help someone in need, in sha Allah. Sebenarnya masa apply tu main main ja, sebab memang my mind is fixed on medic (UPU pun first sampai third choice medic) and memang tak minat engineering. I found out ramai yang taktau UTP ambik March intake. So kalau dah tau nak masuk mana, dah keep an eye on certain university tu kenalah alert. Sekarang social media banyak. UTP sendiri ada twitter hehehe. Dapat tahu UTP dah open online application for March intake 2016 ni pun sebab geng sekolah lama post dalam group whatsapp. Bila fikir result taklah gempak sangat, mampu ke aku ni nak dapat offer masuk medic? So apply jelah. Mana tahu rezeki aku kat sini. Bila dah apply online, dia suruh hantar salinan sijil, IC, slip gaji parents yang dah disahkan. Sebab I duduk kat Kedah sebab ambik lesen kat sana, semua urusan serah bulat bulat kat parents.

Busy dengan urusan lesen , sedar sedar baru perasan salinan tu tak hantar lagi, tarikh dah tutup dah. Hah sudah! Tapi taklah freak out sangat sebab memang takdak niat nak masuk UTP. Physics pun tak minat apatah lagi nak masuk engineering kan. Again, geng sekolah lama post yang result dah boleh check online. Dah fikir besar besar dia tulis permohonan takkan diproses selagi urusan dokumen tak selesai, tapi saja tangan gatal nak check result jugak hahaha. Eh, dia tulis BERJAYA. Gosok gosok mata, eh betul lah dia tulis berjaya! Mulalah cuak, depa ni salah tulis ka apa ni kan. Bila consult dengan kawan and family, depa suruh call tanya. But I didn't. Sorry I'm too scared to make official related phone calls hahaha. So I just put in TERIMA TAWARAN and downloaded the guide documents. And jeng jeng jeng, dia tulis sesiapa yang tak hantar lagi boleh hantar hari kejadian. Done, maknanya aku memang dapat tawaran Educamp!

Okay, for your information, I am the kind of person who overthink like TOO MUCH hahaha so I started to check for anybody yang dapat tawaran yang sama, what to wear etc. Well kawan sekolah SMK Dengkil semua taktau pun pasal March intake ni so I went to kawan SMK Jitra instad. Well, my friend Mel got it as well but sadly, she is in the morning batch on the first day and I got the morning batch for the last day which is the third day. Well it's quite benificial for me as I can ask her what she's been through. So bila confirm nak pergi, mama book a homestay about 10 minutes from UTP, very convinient. For baju, macam biasa baju mesti formal. For guys baju kemeja, slack and tie would be fine and for muslim girls, baju kurung is the safest choice. Yang penting kena sopan and for the colours just go for something that is not too dark or too bright.

It's the day; Educamp 2016. Well nothing much, pagi tu breakfast cereal kat homestay so bertolak dari homestay dalam pukul 7:10. Based on what I read on blogs, semua cakap kena pergi awal or else beratur panjang tapi rezeki agaknya sebab tak kena beratur pun. Sampai ja ada facilitators yang akan hand out tags yang kita kena pakai sepanjang program yang ada kumpulan and no giliran; for me its E19. Meaning group E, the 5th group out of 10. Not bad. Bila nak masuk canselor hall tu kita kena separate from our parents. It's time to be indipendent. Dia akan suruh kita keluarkan surat tawaran. Bila dah masuk akan ada banyak kaunter yang dijaga oleh faci, pandai pandai intai kaunter kosong, usually the most right sebab orang tak perasan. I myself go to the right which is much laju sebab takdak orang hahaha. Bagi dokument semua, rupanya orang yang tak bagi lagi dokument tak payah keluarkan surat tawaran sebab letak sekali dalam sampul. Okay fine. Settle semua, naiklah tangga yang seems like it never ends, SERIOUSLY. Bila naik akak faci tunggu depan tangga and dia tanya " Tengok tag " so I tunjuklah my tag, tapi dia buat muka pelik pulak. Aik apa pulak salah aku niii. Then dia cakap " Tag terbalik dik ". Okay malu.

Kami akan duduk ikut kumpulan. Tengok keliling ramai yang bawak fail sijil asal. Haa sudah aku mai melenggang ja. Biasalah dah gelabah bolehlah jadi peramah kejap hahaha. Tanya orang sebelah, dia pun tak bawak. Ok lega and it turns out memang tak guna pun benda tu. I even overheard someone cakap " Penat aku bawak fail ni, berat tapi tak guna pun " Alhamdulillah. Berkenalan dengan orang sekeliling, semua sekolah hebat hebat. SBP, SBPI, MRSM. Rasa kerdil sangat, serius. Tapi orang sebelah cakap " Okaylah awak boleh dapat tawaran ni. Geng sekolah saya pun ada yang tak dapat " Okay thankyou awak sebab tenangkan hati saya, tapi saya tak ingat nama awak sorry. I'm always bad with names. Blah blah blah dia cakap pasal UTP, dalam pukul 8 kami semua diarah bangun and ikut faci kumpulan masing masing. Apa lagi semua dah cuak lah including myself. I kept on pijak my own kain baju kurung sampai nak terjatuh. Clumsy me will always be clumsy.

What I notice is semua orang datang berkumpulan, dengan kawan masing masing. So bila masuk bilik komputer (in which semua calon akan jawab soalan komputer) semua duduk ikut geng. Okay I'm obviously alone so mari kita cari geng yang datang sorang jugak hahaha. Well dah dapat tempat duduk, sementara tunggu arahan berkenalan dengan orang kiri kanan. A lovely girl on my right with a very calming smile, give me enough positive vibes to be less nervous. Budak MRSM Melaka if I'm not mistaken. A pretty girl with black wavy hair sat on my left, fluent and always talk in English. Budak MRSM jugak. Told you semua orang keliling sekolah hebat hebat. So sepanjang tunggu tu I talk with Malay to the right and with English to the left. Pening hahaha. Soalan dia well pening jugak, multiple answer questions ada 5 answer options and the math question is somehow almost the same as Kangaroo Math Competition. In one word, complicated.

Habis soalan tu, tunggu giliran interview pulak. Quite lama, sebab kena tunggu every 5 person. The girl on my left dah bangun interview with the second batch, nak balik awal katanya. So, tinggal lah dengan the girl on the right. Kami buat research sama sama. Well dia cakap dia takda phone pun so she needs to share with me since I have internet connection. I have nothing against that, I even offered to lend her my phone bila interview dah habis, to contact her dad. But somehow I missed her at the end dan tak dapat bagi pinjam phone. If you read this, know that I feel bad about it and didn't meant to do so. Okay so sebab waiting is a kind of torture, plan dengan budak satu meja to go right after this.

Faci datang panggil untuk interview next batch. Kami pun bangun, and trust me semua diam tak cakap apa. Nervous semua hahaha. Bila masuk, we introduce ourselves one by one. Well semua proses UTP is in English. Tak fluent takpa yang penting yakin. The big question is "What would you be in 30 years from now?" and the lady gave us 30 seconds to think. BLANK! In my mind " WHAT DO I SAY SOMEBODY HELP MEH! " The lady asked who would want to start when suddently the lady pointed at me and said " You looks like you're ready. Would you like to start first? " GOSH. Automatically I said " I do? ". Not a good response but I'm shocked, what else do you expect? Hahaha so finally it ended. I'm pretty sure I'm babling the whole time.

That's pretty much it. Takda benda yang interesting pun actually. So I'm currently waiting for the interview result. Pray for me, thankyou!

Tips of the day : Always ready for every possibility. As long as God exist (which is forever, duh), there will always be a lot of miracles in this world. Never make your own conclusion and give up easily.

The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Pasca SPM : Lesen L

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to you !

Okay harini I would like to share my experience lepas habis SPM exactly on 30th of November 2015. Kiranya 1hb Disember tu dah merdeka lah hahaha puas dan lega sangat-sangat! Selepas berhempas pulas habiskan 10 subjects (pure science subjects + art) dengan tak cukup tidurnya dengan letih physical and mental, akhirnya dapatlah qado segala kekurangan dgn berehat cuti tanpa had tidur hahaha tapi otak masih jugak fikir "Eh aku rasa aku buat haritu salahlah!" "Oh yang aku taktahu jawapan haritu senang ja rupanya!" "Eh haritu aku jawab apa ya soalan tu?" and so on. Otak takboleh nak berhenti fikir result nak buat macammana kan.

So dalam masa sebulan tu mostly ulang benda yang sama ja. Baca buku (story books okay bukan buku SPM), tengok tv, makan, tidur. I even tidy up all my books, niatnya nak bagi free ja kat junior junior tapi sampai hari ni masih belum bagi lagi hahaha. Sebab as far as I know format banyak berubah so takut depa tak boleh pakai. Oh pardon my loghat kedah. Fyi, depa means they, mereka, diorang, whatever you call a bunch of third person. Sebab dah cuti sekolah, my family balik Kedah. It's been like a tradition to go back to our hometown everytime my little brother; my one and only adik that i never call adik, cuti sekolah. Since he is the only one in the family yang masih bersekolah (right after I finished my SPM hoho), kenalah tunggu dia cuti.

Basically as I told you kat atas tu, at the end of 2015 when school holiday is about to end as well, my parents and Anas (my little brother) pun baliklah Selangor leaving me at Kedah as I insist on taking my riding and driving license there. After signing me up at an agent, they left me at my grandparents and aunt house. Well it's not so awkward as I had once lived with them. I lived with them aroud 2012 until 2013 as i insist to stay in Kedah at least until I finished my PMR. Well as you can see I do insist a lot, I have to admit I am quite stubborn hahaha. What can I do, I just love Kedah so much that I prefer to stay there.

Back to the story. The agent will pick me up at my grandparents' house for KPP01 motor and kereta as I took both in order to save time. It's better to have both licenses before I continue studying cause I won't have much time then. So the whole thing cost my father about RM1800. Yeah. If you read this in 2 years from the date written above, besar kemungkinan it had risen so brace yourself. #prayforMalaysia. The class went on as I kept on worrying about my height. Yelah I'm only 143cm high, my feet might not be able to reach the ground while seated you know. Now #prayforAlya hahaha. It makes me feel worst cause of this one accident.

I met this girl online and we've been friends since then. Actually memang ada plan nak jumpak tapi selalu tak jadi due to our commitment hehe. The last thing I would imagine is that I would meet her for the first time at the driving institute. But my life is full of drama, so it FREAKING ACTUALLY HAPPENED. But kiranya not bad sebab adalah jugak orang nak bersembang kan, sebab memang pi sorang. But then, jeng jeng jeng. I ask her untuk teman pi toilet, nak perbetul tudung lah kononnya. Masuk bilik air ja, I realised. THE MIRRORS ARE SOOOOO HIGH I COULD NOT EVEN SEE MY HEAD. She burst out laughing, of course. I don't mind that as the only thing I had on my mind is that "Is this a kind of tahap ketinggian untuk bawak kereta and moto or something?". And I freaked out about my height, again.

Blah, blah, blah, end of both classes. It's time to get my brain moving to the beat of the questions again as it is the time to take the computer exam. Agent tu cakap pusat exam yang dekat is closed upon broken system or something, so he decided to sign up my name at another pusat kat Alor Star. I'm fine with that. So bila sampai kat pusat tu pada hari yang ditetapkan, I walked in. Beratur, scan thumbprint, scan IC, the normal procedures. Sampailah masa ambik gambar. RM10 for a copy of picture is quite insane but I just go with the flow. Tiba tiba baru perasan, tempat ambik gambar tu EXACTLY IN FRONT OF A ROW OF GUYS. How do I smile?! Malu but I still want it to look good, of course. So I flushed away my shyness and smiled anyway.

So I pun jawablah soalan. Sebab ambik moto and kereta sekali, kenalah jawab 70 soalan. Tak susah pun, really. Paling nervous masa nak tekan butang submit tu. Fuhh bercerau peluh. Soalan eye test dengan colour blind test pulak tak boleh salah langsung. So kena extremely careful takut careless. Okay, pass. Move on to the 70 questions. Siap check lagi skali sbb takut careless. Alhamdulillah 69/70. Nampak tak, dah check pun ada salah tau hahaha. Bila dah lepas tu, agent tu cakap "Pusat yang dekat tu dah okay" and I was like "So aku pi jauh jauh for nothing ha ha" tapi fikir balik saja kot Allah nak bagi pengalaman kan.

That's it for my lesen L story. Currently waiting for KPP02 sebab queue saaaaangat panjang and I actually had to postponed my KPP02 motor sebab nak pi interview (the details will be in the next post). Again, #prayforAlya so that I boleh pass JPJ secepat mungkin. Aim nak bawak kereta pi ambik result SPM hahaha.

Tips of the day : Jangan cakap lepas walaupun dengan kawan sendiri. Sure bila kita cakap tu kawan kita pretend that they just don't care. Tapi hati orang siapa tahu? Each one of us have their own insecurities. So don't do anything that we didn't want anyone do to us.

The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob