Saturday, 28 July 2018

Matriculation 16/17 : Friends

Assalamualaikum and hey everyone! So this is Part 3, tapi part ni langsung tak informative. This post is only for my memories with my friends, that I truly appreciate. Satu tahun susah senang sama-sama, memang jadi a big part of my life. I miss them all, sebab dah setahun sorang pun tak pernah jumpa since last day kat KMPP.

Yang ni my roommates for one year. Yang ni on the first day of class.

And yang ni last day. Tharshinni dah salin baju nak balik dah hahaha

Yang ni pulak, H1P6. My classmate, on our first day jumpa. Kalau tak salah 2nd week of orientation baru dapat berkenalan semua. Yang tiga on the left tu ada yang pindah matrik and ada yang pindah modul. Yang lain kekal sampai last day hehe

 Ni last day of orientation.

During second semester, kami dh macam emotional sebab akan kena separate nanti. So kami fikir macam macam benda nak buat sekali to create memories. This one, our own "family day", join sekali dgn H1P5. Siap ada award tau! Kami undi untuk award ni, and of course la I kena vote yang paling garang hahaha. Kami buat gift exchange jugak, and I got a clock. Hmm ni petanda tak cukup menepati masa ke cemana ni hahaha

Next, kami keluar pergi Gurney dengan kami punya mentor (macam cikgu kelas). Kami tengok 6D cinema. Sebab tak cukup seat, kami tengok in 2 batch. Puan Safur bawak dua anak dia, so she let the older one tengok dengan kami. Dia duduk dengan Amin, my ketua praktikum kat depan sekali. Sumpah sakit perut gelak sebab dia asyik jerit "IBUUU" ja hahahaa. Yalah baru darjah berapa, kami tengok yang ada dinosaur bagai. Takut la dia.

 After that, cadangan Puan Safur sebab ramai sangat nak tengok laut, kami pi makan mee udang kat Din Skot. Sedap kuah dia, tapi Yi Lin cakap banyak lalat hahaha

Ni plan paling last minute. Pukul 3 masa perjumpaan mentor mentee, semua cakap nak makan luar. Kelam kabut haa semua kumpul nama and matric no. sebab kena hantar untuk mintak excuse keluar kolej. Pejabat tutup pukul 5. Boleh imagine la kan? Tapi puas hati sebab dapat makan Shellout. Time ni Shellout memang tengah famous, kat mana mana pun ada.

When I was trying to recall my memories, I texted Yi Lin, asking if she remembers the name of our mentor, Puan Safur. Sumpah I tak ingat. What's more surprising is that I completely forgot that we actually have 2 mentors! The one with green Kurung next to Puan Safur is Dr. Shiela, but we're not very close to her compared to Puan Safur just because she didn't teach us. But she's nice :)
Last day, Kuliah H1 tangkap gambar dengan Puan Rohayu, lecturer Bio kami for both 2 semesters. Jenis suka panggil nama masa kelas, suruh jawab soalan. Memang kecut perut habis. Tapi tu yang buat semua orang bukak nota Bio sebelum masuk kelas dia. Dia ajar memang sangat faham, so my favourite lecturer!

Haa yang ni. last day lecture, Nelisha tetiba cakap ada orang ajak tangkap gambar. Laki sebelah tu yang ajak, but honestly I taktau nama dia hahaha. Kenapa tah tetiba, sebab pakai baju sama warna kot.

Antara big part of my matric life, buat surprise birthday classmate. Seronok sebab tengok orang happy walaupun terpaksa menipu hahahaha

Haaa yang ni, my girls. Pi mana mana pun sekali, melekat ja hahaha. Cuma bila Sufi and Alia pindah modul, susah sikit nak jumpa. Yang lain tu takyah cakap, tiap hari lepak sekali. My αγάπη μου forever :)

Yang ni paling special. My best friend from matric until now. My annoying lab partner yang perfectionist. Seorang genius bernama Ong Yi Lin. Paling suka bagi semangat untuk continue matric, paling selalu marah suruh study sebab saya pemalas. I guess kami best friend sebab we're the complete opposite hahaha

Her first birthday gift to me. Who needs boyfriend if your best friend bought you a pen with your name engraved on it??? Pastu acah acah sweet letak dalam beg taknak bagi depan depan :P But I lost it in USM. Tinggal gambar jelah.

This year, I bought her a specialized notebook with her name on it sebagai trade for my specialized pen. Walaupun Yi Lin jauh kat Taiping sana, dia still post hadiah tahun ni sampai rumah. Guess what, a specialized face towel. Damn I ran out of idea already for her birthday present next year if we're going to continue our specialized theme hahaha

So this is the end of my matriculation posts. I'm very forgetful, so I wish that I will remember my good memories by writing it all here. I can conclude that I learned so much in KMPP that I miss it with my whole heart despite hating it at that moment hehe. The good old days :)

Alya Ayob.

Matriculation 16/17 : Study Things and The View

Assalamualaikum. Welcome to Part 2! If you haven't read my part 1, feel free to click the link below.

Okay, so what did I studied in matriculation? Subjek wajib includes Kokurikulum, Kemahiran Dinamika, English, Chemistry and Mathematics. Then boleh pilih package either Biology and Physics (Modul 1), Biology and Computer Science (Modul 3) or Physics and Computer Science (Modul 2). I got Modul 1, and I stick with it sebab nak tukar renyah. Also, I don't really think I can do computer science although yang ambik ramai cakap senang.

I have to admit, I really love to take pictures during class, especially during amali. My favourite amali class that were perfect for pictures of course, Chemistry. All those colours really amazed me! But I hate doing the reports hehe

My second most enjoyable amali class would be Biology. Some experiments are very interesting, but some boring gila. Tapi kalau bab study, Bio would be my favourite. Ni jelah subjek yang dapat A both sem hahaha

Tetiba kena panggil lukis bunga kat depan, pastu ada paparazi tangkapkan gambar.

Paling tak suka, amali Physics. Paling susah nak dapatkan accurate reading due to unavoidable errors, pastu ganggu graph. Sakit hati ja bila tak dapat confirmkan hypothesis.

Tempat yang paling orang suka lepak, library. Satu-satunya tempat yang ada air cond and WiFi. Cumanya renyah sikit la, kena follow dress code dan kena scan kad matrik. Ramai suka study sini, but not me. Sebab jenis suka study atas katil, pastu tido, pastu bangun tengok buku balik. Tido dengan buku-buku.

Kelas English selalu Miss Wahida bawak masuk library. Sapa yang tak bawak kad matrik tu pandai pandai la lari balik bilik or pinjam kad orang (hopefully tak kena tangkap hahaha). Suruh pakai setiap masa when you're inside the college takmau, padan muka!

For MUET, ada satu program which was called PAL programme where those who got A+ for English in SPM will tutor those who got A during study group session. PAL programme ni untuk yang dapat A+ and A sahaja. Yang A- kebawah ada program lain, yang akan di guide oleh lecturer. Kiranya PAL students ni dipercayai untuk self-study gitu.

This is my group, tutored by Chun Hong. Three of us managed to get Band 5 in MUET, and another one managed to get Band 4. I'm proud of them, and it's very nice to get to know how students from all Chinese school study, cause they're such a pro. Organized sangat. And if you noticed... yes mostly yang dapat A+ and A memang Chinese, second Indians. Malays memang tak ramai. Thus my group members Chinese semua. I'm grateful they don't speak Chinese at all during meetings, I appreciate that they tried to include me in their conversation.

Kelas badminton pulak dengan Encik Zamri. Kelas badminton start lambat sikit, lepas mid sem rasanya. So sebelum tu rasa macam kelas kaunseling. Dia asyik tanya nanti nak masuk universiti mana, nak kerja apa. Layankan je. And dia suka panggil I Saloma. Ntah kenapa hahaha

KMPP have a great view, since keliling memang kampung dan sawah padi. Walaupun tu sebab banyak Charlie hehe.

The view from my room. Bila dah senja and my roommate still tak bukak lampu hehe

This one ada belakang surau. Bila baca blog senior before masuk KMPP, ramai yang cakap tempat ni popular. Orang panjat secara haram. Tapi my batch tak dengar cerita pulak.

 View pagi-pagi nak pegi kelas pukul 8. The view yang bagi semangat sikit nak pi kelas walaupun soalan tutorial tak siap. Eh

Haaa keliling pagar KMPP ada pokok ni, kami panggil sakura sebab bunga dia warna pink. Musim dia hujung semester 2. So memang acah acah goodbye KMPP gitu. Tanda dah nak habis belajar. Kecuali kalau ambik program dua tahun la kan.

 This one, view dataran waktu malam. Tiap malam lalu, sebab ada kelas tambahan.

That's all for now!

Alya Ayob.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Matriculation 16/17 : Registration and Events

Assalamualaikum and holla! Okay, I know, I know.. It's a super late post again but what can I do? I write only when I have the mood to, to ensure I actually write the content of my heart hehehe

Batch 18/19 dahpun masuk matrik, which means memang post ni dah tak berapa berguna(?) untuk rujukan batch '00 but whatever, kalau ada yang still curious then Google and found this post, you're more than welcome to read.

Let me tell you about my journey, cause I think you can pretty much know everything basic about matriculation from hundreds of posts about it right? I myself did quite an amount of research before I even step inside my college. If you're new, you might wanna know this, at least I think so LOL. I'm officially an ex-student of Penang Matriculation College, PMC for short. Hohoho who am I kidding? Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang or KMPP lah orang selalu panggil.

I'm in the one year programme, sains modul 1; code H (which consist of Biology, Physics(ughh) and Chemistry). Orang selalu cakap yang budak modul 1 ni pandai pandai and nerd. Well I'm the complete opposite, which is why I always think that I don't belong there. Like I'm somehow mistaken for someone else. I RARELY STUDY SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL KOT. PNGK pun 3.43 sahaja. Cukup makan hahaha

I got offers from various private universities but I'm from a very sederhana kind of family, so I rather not burden them with the finance that was phew, sesak nafas tengok tau hahaha. UPU pulak, I can't apply for asasi sains sebab Chemistry C+ sahaja. So diploma sains UiTM menjadi pilihan pertama. Eh, dapat pulak hahaha. But although I'm quite a slow learner, I pilih matrik yang orang cakap macam neraka tu sebab my father tak berapa berkenan dengan diploma. Dia tau anak dia suka main kot hahaha nnt pointer tahpape jer.

So, bersedialah saya dengan angkatan barangan merah jambu ke KMPP second day of Ramadhan. Orientasi bulan puasa tau. 2 minggu lagi. Tabah jelah mampu. First impression, not bad la facilities okay je. Tu sebelum tengok KMP dengan KMK yang canggih hahaha tapi syukur sahaja apa yang ada.

Pink for life hehe

We changed our room's arrangement once in a while sebab bosan.

Gambar right after orientasi. H1P5 and H1P6 (Kuliah H1 Practicum 5&6). Semua still awkward hahaha

Masa awal awal tu nangis je masa berbuka. Sampai ada rasa nak keluar, taknak stay sini (okay feeling ni bertahan sampai sudah, asyik cakap nak ambik borang biru (borang keluar) tapi lastly habis jugak belajar hahaha. Mana taknya, mostly semua masuk dengan kawan, adalah geng nak berbuka, terawih sama sama. Ni sorang sorang tercampak kat KMPP. Letak first choice kononnya dekat sebab my parents nak pindah balik Kedah after they retired pastu nyesal. Masa dapat excited la kan dapat first choice tapi hahahahaha padan muka.

But come to think of it, I don't regret any single thing EXCEPT the fact that I play way wayyyyy too much, tak study like I'm supposed to, and rove beetles banyak gila (nama glamor : Charlie). So adik adik yang baca post ni, please jangan jadi macam akak ye. I either volunteered or participated in almost every event held in KMPP, and girls, IT IS THE BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE. Seronok sangat, experience yang we might never have the chance to get involve again, Kalau tak participate sekalipun, mesti pergi tengok. For me that's the thing yang takkan lupa sampai bila bila.

KMPP actually ada banyak event, tapi banyak yang dibatalkan sebab tak cukup dana, so sad. Tapi I'm gonna talk a little bit about four of it's biggest events.

1. KAKOM and mini KAKOM - so basically, KAKOM stands for Karnival Kokurikulum Matrikulasi. Macam sports event la. KAKOM used to be peringkat kebangsaan where every matriculation college in Malaysia will join in a very huge event but mulai batch 16/17, KAKOM dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian, utara (and pantai timur) dan selatan. Mini KAKOM pulak peringkat kolej. Mini KAKOM kira jadi platform untuk pilih wakil kolej lawan KAKOM. Masa mini KAKOM, I masuk kawad mewakili negeri satu (Blok A1, B1 dan C1) and guess what? Don't guess. WE WONNNN!!! Ramai yang cakap tak adil sebab somehow negeri 1 banyak orang yang selalu kawad, including myself. But heyy, bukan kita pilih blok sendiri kan? hahaha

For KAKOM 16/17 yang bertempat di KMPP, I volunteered for two things, badminton and jemputan VVIP. Kelas bukan? hahaha ni semua pensyarah susun okay, I just isi borang sukarelawan and interview sahaja. Setiap sukarelawan memang diberi dua tugas. Tak join kawad KAKOM sebab kawad buat waktu kelas and luar KMPP so it's a no no, dah cukup tak pandai untuk skip kelas lagi. Oh ya, malam KAKOM depa ada buat wayang terbuka kat dataran. So cool tengok movie malam malam kat dataran hahaha

All prepared for Insidious 2 hahaha

If you guys are wondering what that weird thing is, its a finger. Thanks awak yang tolong ambik gambar XD

2. MEMORI - hah MEMORI ni pulak stands for Minggu Evolusi Minda Optimis Remaja Islam. Basically, event ni more to usaha dakwah yang diusahakan An Nur Commitee or ANC (geng surau la senang since surau kami nama An Nur) and Jabatan Perwakilan Pelajar or JPP. There is an expo where a lot of entrepreneur dari luar join, ada pertandingan Ikon Remaja Islam aka IRI yang macam program Daie tuu, ada ceramah perdana, and lots of games.

Although nama dia Remaja Islam, semua pelajar yang menganut agama lain turut digalakkan join, cause thats what it is for actually. Dakwah through daily activities. Untuk MEMORI, I volunteered for the game part, so kami buat explorace and other mini games. It's so fun to work with new people and gain new experience, trust me! Part paling best other than malam pembukaan and penutup is malam ceramah perdana, sebab penceramah best and kumpulan nasyid yang buat persembahan lepas tu suara sedap gila sumpah! Dahla semua berkerjaya hebat hebat, dentist pun ada hokay!

Acoustic band

3. Pratyaksha - Pratyaksha is an event organised by Indian Commitee in KMPP. Event paling besar for sure its show night, where there are a lot of performances that of course includes A LOT OF DANCING. Its so cool, watching Malays, Chinese, Indians and Siamese wore baju pujabi and saree to the event. Unfortunately I dont have one, but would like to buy one someday In Sha Allah. Malam event, depa bagi laduu (manisan India yang ada banyak different spices) and glow in the dark bangle. Basically, malam tu malam menari hahaha

Untuk yang ni I joined pertandingan buat Thoranam which is the one yang Indians gantung depan rumah. Depa percaya dapat elakkan penyakit masuk rumah gitulah lebih kurang. Nak tau lebih google kay hehe. And I won this one too hahaha tak sangka gila. Well, we won sebab I joined this with Yi Lin, Chun Hong, Wani and Tiviyah, geng geng hebat semua hahaha but whatever kami still dapat first prize hehe

 Allahu please ignore the serabai-ness. Kadang tengok gambaq kat matrik rasa macam selekeh gila hahaha

4. Festival tanglung - Sama macam Pratyaksha, event utama still malam event, cuma yang ni Chinese Society yang anjurkan. Yang ni I join tengok je hahaha. So banyak la persembahan malam tu. using the drums. And depa ada jual tanglung jugak, yang akan digantung keliling dewan. The atmosphere was nice, nampak semangat Satu Malaysia dia tu hehehe

Other events including:

Math Shopping. Event ni kita kena buat aktiviti macam explorace untuk dapatkan 'duit' and with that money kita guna untuk beli jawapan. Aim dia adalah untuk jawab soalan Matematik untuk lengkapkan mind map. Dapat saguhati ja sebab tak pandai Maths hahaha

Maifest. Serious taktau event ni untuk apa, yang pasti I join explorace. Gambar ni one of the task, kena tangkap gambar dengan 5 orang strangers

Karnival Sains KMPP. Yang ni best, daripada students sekolah rendah sampailah pusat sains semua involve untuk buat pameran. Banyak interactive activity so memang sangat best, cumanya buat tengah sem time orang tengah sibuk dengan assignment so kurang sambutan.

Medtalk. Basically a talk from a medical student and a psychologist. Full of useful information for those who planned to enter the medical field. They're very good looking tho. Real handsome/beauty with brain.

KMPP Got Talent. Just a regular talent competition. Nice to see that they're just as talented in arts as they're in science!

Sambutan Hari Merdeka. Usual usual things, macam sekolah.

Pilihanraya KMPP. I volunteered masa pemilihan JPP under macam suruhanjaya pilihanraya gitu, sebab ada undian yang satu kolej terlibat.

Pertandingan senamrobik. Pegi sokong kawan sebab lawan antara yang masuk kelas senamrobik untuk subjek kokurikulum. I masuk kelas badminton hehe

I think that's all for this post. See ya on the next one!

Alya Ayob.