Friday, 30 December 2016

Friend or foe?

Assalamualaikum and hi :)

Berkawan. Kadang-kadang berkawan tu satu benda yang sangat senang tapi boleh jadi sangat susah. I mean, kita join a club for instance, kita akan dapat kawan baru dengan tegur orang sebelah ja. See it's easy? But then, bila kita dah berkawan, kita makin kenal. That is when we need to learn about each other, to learn to draw the line. The line, the limit. Tahap seseorang berbeza mengikut tahap kesabaran, kesopanan dan of course mengikut pengalaman lampau. Because past is what made us who we are now. We are highly affected by our past. So in order to actually have a good relationship, mesti tau past masing masing. Bukan tak move on, bukan nak sentiasa ingat. But just in case, we might hurt somebody else's heart, by something we didn't even mean to say. That's the role of the line, to make appropriate jokes according to someone preference. You know, bagi kita mungkin simple and nothing much, tapi mungkin tak bagi dia. That's how challenging a relationship is, no matter if its friendship or more. It's the same. The thing is, nak draw the line is hella hard. Yelah, nak open up to someone need trust and courage. And without it, we wouldn't know someone enough to actually draw the lines.

Beware, wrong line can lead to permusuhan. Friend to foe. In a blink of an eye.

But then, the effort is what really matter. Cause what's the point to even try to make it work if it's one sided? Kalau ada masalah, bincang elok elok. Jangan lawan api dgn api, nanti hangus. Ego letak tepi, kalau betul sayang relationship tu la kan. Tak sayang takpa, takyah kesah. Tinggal cari baru. *serious face

I am trully sorry if I ever make jokes, write or talk about sensitive things. Trust me, I never meant to (well most of the time) (sometimes my inner devil shine hehehe jk) No no seriously, forgive me. Let's try our best to award ourselves with That One Person Who Everyone Likes award shall we? :)

Tips of the day : Nothing much for this post. Remember, communication is the key ;)

The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob.