Assalamualaikum. Ramadhan kareem. Alhamdulillah we all met with this bless month again this year. All praise to Allah, The Creator of the whole universe. Happy fasting!
Okay, kenapa tajuk dia The End? Well this is the end of the Pasca SPM series, cause in sha Allah in two days, I’ll be a collage student wohoo, may Allah ease! I’ve received a few offer from private universities such as MSU, Manipal and UTP, but I rejected all of them because I’m not rich and also not smart enough to get myself a full scholarship. Well I got a full scholarship for MSU in medical field, but I’m too scared I will screw up and ended paying everything back which is so NOT a little amount of money. I got Diploma Sains Uitm Jengka as well, but I rejected it as well. I think I really feel good about my decision to enter matriculation. I take it as a sign.
I’m going to KMPP! Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang, I’m coming for ya! Okay, don’t be fooled by that, I’m just a lil bit exited. The biggest feeling I feel right now is NERVOUSNESS. I bought almost everthing in pretty pink, senang roommate nak tau warna favourite untuk bagi hadiah birthday nanti. Al maklumlah birthday masa raya, mesti tak dapat hadiah sebab baru kenal sebulan hahaha. Most of the things dah dibeli, the final preparation would be done tomorrow. Harap kedai bukak sebab Kedah ambik first Ramadhan as a public holiday. Please bukak I’ll spend my parents money there hahahahaha. Bersalah tahu nak beli barang banyak ni. Rasa menyusahkan ja hidup. I love my parents for raising me up as gemuk and fancy dressed (okay menyampah dengan diri sendiri sebab perasan) as I am now. Maknanya tak pernah tak cukup makan pakai. Lebih makan adalah hahaha.
In sha Allah, the next post akan jadi post bergambar, takdalah rasa macam baca novel sangat kan hehehe. Dah nak mula the next phase of life ni, doakan Alya Athirah binti Ayob ni rajin study, ingat Allah selalu dalam hidup dan tak terlebih emo. Takleh kata tak emo langsung sebab nanti tak jadi orang. Okay aminkan cepat. Bulan puasa ni doa makbul hehehe. Ni first time nak puasa away from family, risau homesick melampau lampau hahaha. Orientasi bulan puasa, tabah lah. Dapat pulak blok paling jauh, redha berganda ganda. Nilah yang orang panggil dugaan Ramadhan ya hahaha. Kawan pulak takdak sorang pun masuk KMPP. Okay Alya, mood peramah : ON. Time to find new friends from all over Malaysia! You’re getting your eyes open wider than ever before, so beware. Jangan culture shock. Luckily KMPP is very religion based in everything. Chances are bila dah bergelar alumni dah jadi orang yang lebih baik, in sha Allah. Syukur!
Okay, nanti snap gambar banyak banyak for my soon to be first ever entry as a collage student dan bukan lagi penganggur hahaha. Banyak kawan kawan yang dah masuk belajar, and they are all still alive and doing well so no need to feel scared *patt myself on the head*. As you can (or might) see this post is mostly about trying to keep myself calm. I’m so not ready to not climb onto my bed again after subuh and living with roommates. I hope I would still have my me time, a time for me and myself only. Okay I’ll stop here to make sure esok perut terisi sebab tak terlepas sahur huhuhu. Again, happy fasting for all muslims all over the world!
Tips of the day : The world is round and it spins around. Once you’re at the top, the other moment you’ll be at the bottom. All you have to do is do good to every single creature on earth. No matter what their religion, race, ethnic, skin tone or language, whatever it is, it’s surely not a barrier for you to do good. Believe, that good comes to you when you do good, like a magnet. Put your faith in God, He will help you and He will and always be there for you. Remember to fill your soul more that your tummy ;)
The one who speaks from the heart,
Alya Ayob.